[Gambas-user] Gambas3 on PuppyLinux

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Mon Jun 10 20:02:04 CEST 2013


a recent post here reminded me that I tried to help someone to compile
Gambas3 on PuppyLinux. My first question is: if anyone has ever even heard
of this distro (I haven't), has anybody yet succeeded in compiling the trunk
on it?

The whole systems makes a strange impression to me from what I read. I don't
really want to bother with the details anyway. If there is no obvious
solution I'll let him down :-)

To clarify: we came very close to compiling the IDE but gb.qt4.* were still
missing and the other guy couldn't find appropriate packages. It may even be
lack of support for these libraries on PuppyLinux...?

A related question is: has anybody ever compiled Gambas statically? Would
that be possible? I mean: compile the components as shared libraries but
link their dependencies statically into them.

I know this is a dumb idea but it would be the last resort with all its


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