[Gambas-user] Two problems painting richtext

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at ...626...
Tue Jul 16 21:40:59 CEST 2013

Public Sub dwgDrawRichText_Draw()

  Dim hExtent As PaintExtents

  Paint.Text("Align.Center OK.", 0, 0, Paint.Width, Paint.Height,
  hExtent = Paint.PathExtents
  Paint.Brush = Paint.RadialGradient(hExtent.X, hExtent.Y,
Max(hExtent.Width, hExtent.Height), hExtent.X + hExtent.Width / 2,
hExtent.y + hExtent.Height / 2, [Color.Black, Color.Transparent], [0.0,

  Paint.Rectangle(hExtent.X - 5, hExtent.Y - 5, hExtent.Width + 10,
hExtent.Height + 10)


2013/7/14 Tobias Boege <taboege at ...626...>

> Hi,
> I want to paint richtext which is:
> a) fading in a RadialGradient (black towards transparency) and
> b) centered in a rectangle.
> I can achieve a) when using Paint.RichText() followed by Paint.Fill(). But
> with this code, the text is not centered (although I specified Align.Center
> as a parameter to Paint.RichText()). This is a) without b).
> If I use Paint.DrawRichText(), the text is centered in the rectangle but
> the
> RadialGradient brush does not take effect. This is b) without a).
> I hope this is a bug and I can do both at a time. :-) Project and
> screenshot
> of the non-working result here are attached.
> Regards,
> Tobi
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Fabien Bodard

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