[Gambas-user] FORM.Name overridden.... FORM.Delete overridden errors

Pino Zollo pinozollo at ...626...
Fri Dec 13 20:46:49 CET 2013

Gambas 3.5.1

A TextBox with name "Name"  gives FORM.Name Overridden  error


The string "DELETE" gives error FORM.Delete overridden at line:

     If FBand.ComboBand.Text <> "WFAX" Then


Public Sub Call_LostFocus()
    Dim GMT As Date
    Dim F As Float
    Dim FRMHZ As String
    Dim sql As String

    FRMHZ = FRtoMHz() ' This depends on comma

    GMT = Vb.DateAdd("h", - toffset, Now)
   If Run Then
       If Not CheckCQ() Then
        rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec("DELETE FROM spots WHERE DXCall = 
'CQ <---' AND dxband = '" &
                            ComboBand.Text & "' ;") ' it was on 
different frequency
   ' DEBUG "Deleted by Call_LostFocus "
'   IF comma THEN
      If FBand.ComboBand.Text <> "WFAX" Then ' 
        sql = "INSERT INTO spots " &
           "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, dxstat, 
dxmode, radiomode ) " &
           "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) & 
" " &
            Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & "CQ 
<---" & "','" &
            FRMHz & "','" & FRMHz &
             "','" & ComboBand.Text & "','" & "" & "','" & "CQCQ" & 
"','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & "'); "
         sql = "INSERT INTO spots " &
            "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode  ) " &
            "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) 
& " " &
             Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & 
UCase$(Call.Text) & "','" &
             FRMHz & "','" & FRMHz &
              "','" & FBand.ComboBand.Text & "','" & "WFAX" & "','" & 
"DIAL" & "','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & "'); "
         rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec(sql)

        ' rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec("INSERT INTO spots " &
        '    "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode ) " &
        '    "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) 
& " " &
        '     Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & "CQ 
<---" & "','" &
        '     FRMHz & "','" & FRMHz &
        '      "','" & ComboBand.Text & "','" & "" & "','" & "CQCQ" & 
"','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & "'); ")
   ' ELSE
   '      rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec("INSERT INTO spots " &
   '         "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode  ) " &
   '         "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) 
& " " &
   '          Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & "CQ 
<---" & "','" &
   '          Replace$(Replace$(FreqRadio.text, ".", ""), ",", ".") & 
"','" & Replace$(Replace$(FreqRadio.text, ".", ""), ",", ".")&
   '           "','" & ComboBand.Text & "','" & "" & "','" & "CQCQ" & 
"','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & "'); ")
   ' ENDIF
         rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec("delete FROM spots where dxcall <> 
'CQ <---' and freqrx = (select freqrx from spots where dxcall = 'CQ 
<---' AND dxband = '" &
                            ComboBand.Text & "' ); ") ' <--- errore 
nella subquery.. c'è un altro CQ in altra banda e dà 2 risultati
        If FBandActive Then FBand.FillForm()
       End If
    If Not CheckCall(Call.text) Then
     If Call.Text <> "" Then
'       IF comma THEN
       If FBand.ComboBand.Text <> "WFAX" Then
         sql = "INSERT INTO spots " &
            "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode  ) " &
            "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) 
& " " &
             Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & 
UCase$(Call.Text) & "','" &
             FRMHz & "','" & FRMHz &
              "','" & ComboBand.Text & "','" & LabCountry.Text & "','" & 
"DIAL" & "','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & "'); "
         sql = "INSERT INTO spots " &
            "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode  ) " &
            "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) 
& " " &
             Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & 
UCase$(Call.Text) & "','" &
             FRMHz & "','" & FRMHz &
              "','" & FBand.ComboBand.Text & "','" & "WFAX" & "','" & 
"DIAL" & "','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & "'); "
         rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec(sql)
         ' rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec("INSERT INTO spots " &
         '    "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode  ) " &
         '    "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & 
Year(GMT) & " " &
         '     Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & 
UCase$(Call.Text) & "','" &
         '     FRMHz & "','" & FRMHz &
         '      "','" & ComboBand.Text & "','" & LabCountry.Text & "','" 
& "DIAL" & "','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & 
"'); ")
       ' ELSE
       '    rData = Mglobal.$hConn.Exec("INSERT INTO spots " &
       '     "(SpotTS, DXcall, FreqRX, FreqQSX, dxband, dxcountry, 
dxstat, dxmode, radiomode  ) " &
       '     "VALUES( '" & Day(GMT) & "/" & Month(GMT) & "/" & Year(GMT) 
& " " &
       '      Time(Hour(GMT), Minute(GMT), Second(GMT)) & "','" & 
UCase$(Call.Text) & "','" &
       '      Replace$(Replace$(FreqRadio.text, ".", ""), ",", ".") & 
"','" & Replace$(Replace$(FreqRadio.text, ".", ""), ",", ".")&
       '       "','" & ComboBand.Text & "','" & LabCountry.Text & "','" 
& "DIAL" & "','" & ComboMode.Text & "','" & RigMode & " " & RigBand & 
"'); ")
       ' ENDIF
        If FBandActive Then FBand.FillForm()
     End If
    End If
   End If
   If comma Then
      Try Freqb4 = Val(Replace$(Replace$(FreqRadio.text, ",", ""), ".", 
",")) ' <----- Tranverters ???
      Try Freqb4 = Val(Replace$(FreqRadio.text, ",", "")) / 1000
'   DEBUG "Freqb4 ", Freqb4
   Message.Error("Call Lost Focus: " & Error.Text & "  " & Error.Where)

These misbehaviours were not present in Gambas2 !




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