[Gambas-user] Output to Libre Office Writer ??

Willy Raets willy at ...2734...
Wed Apr 3 19:55:08 CEST 2013

On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 19:36 +0200, Willy Raets wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-04-03 at 10:13 -0700, rocko wrote:
> > Ok thanks for suggestions.
> > 
> > I'm now having problems with zipping the files.
> > I "m naming the files dynamically with the first name of the
> > person from my database.
> > 
> > But the zip command sometimes saves the file as a zip not .odt.
> > Why it does this I don't know, actually it does this a lot/
> > 
> > I'm using this as my zip code:
> > zip -r " & sFirst & ".odt ." Wait
> zip -h2 in a terminal gives you more detailed instructions on use of zip
> zip -r NameOfZipFile FileOrFolderToAdd
> NameOfZipFile in your case is sFirst & ".odt"
> FileOrFolderToAdd is the place you unzipped the original .odt to and
> where you replaces some content.
> ------------------
> Dim sCommand, sPath As String
> sPath = User.Home & "place you unzipped and modified the content of odt"
> sCommand = "zip -r " & sFirst & ".odt " & sPath
> Shell sCommand
> ------------------
> Watch the spaces in the strings as they are important!!
Some hints:
1. For command always try --help 0r -h and study the command before
coding. We have to do the same to help you. Bit strange don you think
2. Always try running your planned command in a terminal before coding
in Gambas
3. Study Gambas documentation on what to use best for getting the job
done. Read every word over and over as every detail is important.
4. When testing in Gambas add a Print sCommand before Shell sCommand so
that when running you see the string in the console of IDE.
5. If command doesn't work from Gambas try Copy/paste that string in
Gambas IDE console to a terminal and try it there. If it doesn't work
there, it will never work in Gambas, so back to terminal testing,
adapting your sCommand and test app again.

Keep doing this until it works..mind the details!!

Good luck..

Kind regards,

Willy (aka gbWilly)


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