[Gambas-user] Using Gambas for Apache cgi

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Thu Sep 20 12:35:45 CEST 2012

Am 20.09.2012 10:27, schrieb Rolf Schmidt:
> Hi Rolf-Werner,
>>>> But Apache has some problem with it. I configured the cgi-bin as above
>>>> (actually not me, but it's the default). Apache looks for it and
>>>> seemingly it DOES find it but it complaints with a 500 Internal Error
>>>> page and in /var/log/apache2/suexec.log we can read something about
>>>> gid/uid mismatch.
>>> All files must be accessible by the user/group the apache is running
>>> with. On Debian systems it is www-data:www-data. Make a chown on your
>>> files. Never give the files executable right for everybody.
>> Just tried it this way, but it doesn't help. Strange...
>> You mean the .gambas files, right? Not env, gbr, gbx etc.?
>> There is a test/test.cgi in the cgi-bin, it's not www-data:www-data and
>> it runs fine. The .gambas file does run when started from a terminal, so
>> the Gambas side seems to work fine. Apache seems to find the .gambas
>> file and start it. It all boils down to some misunderstanding of Apache
>> with how to handle it.
> Try to login as root and than do a "su - apache" or to the system
> account the apache runs under (perhaps you can find the account in "top"
> or with "ps"). Then start you program in the terminal - you now have all
> the rights an apache server has - and see what happens. Helpfull may be
> a "tail -f" on the apache error file, to see what goes wrong, when you
> do some thing. This is a method to check if you have problems with
> user/group rights, as the error message you posted suggests.
> Grüße
> Rolf

Yes :-) This is exactly what I tried yesterday and it runs flawlessly. 
Just tried it again to be sure now. It prints the HTML page into the 
terminal and stops without any error message.

Really weird...


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