[Gambas-user] Another basics

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at ...626...
Fri Jan 6 16:07:04 CET 2012

well :)

i'm not a true professionnal of computing so words i use are not good.
(and my english is really bad)

In a class you have 3 time

Called only one time at the first use of the class

 Called at each NEW instantiation

 Called when a classe is freed (when the ref to this class instance
not stored anywhere)

You can access a public var from anywhere but this var is linked to an instance

If you use static public the var is accessible from the class name
like with a module and not depend of an instance. (it allow for
example to share a value between each instance of a class

Private var is accessible ony from the sub of the current class

static private can be used only from a static sub.

I use public var for property that just store a value and can be
accessed in read write mode

i use property  for value that need controle or that generate an event

for example
dim $iX as private
property X as integer

Private X_Read() as Integer
return  $iX

Private X_Write(Value as integer)
  $iX = min(Value,100)  'max 100
  RefreshDraw()   'redraw the object when the x is changed

You can use Property Read for a read only value

this is some basis.....

Fabien Bodard

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