[Gambas-user] How to make Class file to Library for use in other Gambas applications

Willy Raets willy at ...2734...
Wed Feb 22 19:34:48 CET 2012

> Now back to Gambas 2, see if what Bruce explained can be done in real
> life :-) Bit more work the Gambas 2 way, doing a component. And I see
> some distribution problems there as well. How to install such a library
> along with your app that needs the libary?

Well Bruce, I must say your memory on the matter is excellent.
All is exactly as you described it for Gambas 2.

Stupid, reading the documentation no way to ever figure it out when it
turns out to be just a few simple steps.... Thabk you VERY MUCH..

> Anyway, if I get it working the Gambas 2 way, I'll do a short tutorial
> as well, because there is a big lack of documentation on how to do stuff
> in Gambas.

As promised I did some tutorials with screenshots and source archives.
Hope this will be very helpful to people new to the matter.

They are both on the Whiteisland Gambas Forum.

Make a component (Gambas 2):
Make a library (Gambas 3):

There is definatly a great need for good documentation. I am do my best
to 'tutorialize' stuff I figure out myself and isn't well documented in
the hope this will help others to get going with Gambas because it is a
real great language.


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