[Gambas-user] Form with multiple charts

M. Cs. mohareve at ...626...
Sun Apr 8 20:46:00 CEST 2012

Hi I managed to draw two pie-charts on a form, with two separate DrawingAreas.
My problem is that it I can do it only with single instance of
DIM mychart AS Chart
I can use it for two different drawings on two areas, but when I draw
a third one on a third drawing area I cannot change it's type.

It hasn't sense at all:
- I cannot define two different mycharts like
Dim mychart1 AS Chart
DIM mychart2 AS Chart
Because it rises error division by zero.

>From my part it would be logical to have different charts for
different drawing areas. Since it is nearly 0% documented I need some

mychart.Count = 2 (IS THIS THE NUMBER OF VALUES?)
mychart[0].Values = [0.8,0.2] (WHAT REPRESENTS [0]?)
mychart.Headers.Values = [("Identical"), ("Different")]
mychart.Legend.Visible = True
mychart.Legend.Position = 1 (HOW COULD I PUT LEGEND BELOW THE CHART?)
mychart.Style = ChartType.Pie
mychart.Width = DrawingArea1.W
mychart.Height = DrawingArea1.H

AND why does it work if I would continue this code with

mychart.Count = 3
mychart[0].Values = [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]
mychart.Headers.Values = [("Identical"), ("Different"), ("Other")]
mychart.Legend.Visible = True
mychart.Legend.Position = 1
mychart.Style = ChartType.Pie
mychart.Width = DrawingArea2.W
mychart.Height = DrawingArea2.H

I'm confused.


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