[Gambas-user] Issue 117

Bruce Bruen bbruen at ...2308...
Sun Oct 2 00:52:56 CEST 2011

Hi Benoit,

Yep, I was already thinking of writing up this stuff.  It is a fairly
big topic though!  I have only begun to organise my thoughts and make
notes.  The attached mind map gives some idea.

I think the problem I am having is that this machine acts as a
production server, up to 5 other people can be attached (some remotely)
using these applications. So I have to be careful to preserve
the /usr/bin and other data directories while still maintaining and
developing the apps.  (Yes, I know that I should have a separate prod
server, but money doesn't stretch that far at the moment.)

One thing that is hindering me though is that I am now unsure what I can
legally put inside a gambas3 project directory.  In gambas2 I could put
lots of stuff related to the project inside the project and it handled
it without the problems I now seem to be hitting.  This included stuff
like source archives, documentation files, snapshot copies of classes
(grrr!) etc.

Sometime ago you wrote in a mail something about what gets included in a
project build and what gets ignored.  I cant find that mail.

Would you explain the proper usage of the project directory for me.


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