[Gambas-user] Gambas3 RC1 Internal error all of a sudden

Ron ron at ...1740...
Mon Mar 28 14:12:21 CEST 2011

Hmmm, another one in a different part of my project:

** Cannot read from SIGCHLD pipe
CSqueezeServer.ReceiveData.204: #39: End of file
0: CSqueezeServer.ReceiveData.204
1: RRDTool.GetRRDPath.60
2: RRDTool.UpdateRRDs.269
3: ServerStats.tServerStats_Timer.40
** Program aborting. Sorry! :-(

This is the routine:
m iTries As Integer = 30
   Dim sData As String

   ' see if we got some data
   While iTries > 0
     Try Line Input #hSqueezeServer, sData <---------------------- Line 
# 204
     If Error Then
       ' not yet
       Sleep 0.01
       ' got it
     End If
     Dec iTries
   If bSqueezeServerDebug Then Main.WriteDebugLog("[SqueezeServer] < " & 

   Return URLDecode(sData)


Have to change that ugly code, and syntax.
But still Internal Errors shouldn't be there...


> Project runs ok, but every now and then I get this:
> ** Cannot read from SIGCHLD pipe
> Main.BroadcastEvent.4731: #5: Too many arguments
> 0: Main.BroadcastEvent.4731
> 1: Main.RefreshDeviceList.4848
> 2: Devices.ValueUpdate.823
> 3: Main.SetGlobalVar.4447
> 4: RRDTool.GetRRDPath.60
> 5: RRDTool.UpdateRRDs.269
> 6: ServerStats.tServerStats_Timer.40
> ** Program aborting. Sorry! :-(
> Ok the program/author said Sorry.... ;-)
> But it doesn't look right...
> A few minutes later...
> Ok, it was due to a catch without content that the wrong syntax wasn't 
> reported.
>   ' sent it to all computers on this network
>   hBroadcastEvent = New UdpSocket As "BroadcastUDP"
>   hBroadcastEvent.Broadcast = True
>   hBroadcastEvent.Bind(0)
>   hBroadcastEvent.TargetPort = iXMLRPCHTTPPort + 10000
>   For Each sIp In aBroadcastAddrs
>     hBroadcastEvent.TargetHost = sIp
>     Write #hBroadcastEvent, sMessage, Len(sMessage)
>   Next
> Catch
>   ' Main.WriteLog(("ERROR: Cannot broadcast UDP message! ") & 
> ERROR.Text & (" at ") & ERROR.Where)
> But why didn't the Gambas converter convert this: ?
>   hBroadcastEvent.Bind(0) <-------------------------------------
> I get the idea that the project converter code  is much older or has 
> bugs which weren't there when I first tested it.
> Revision 3693 on Ubuntu Maverick 64 Bits.
> Regards.
> Ron_2nd.

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