[Gambas-user] One control with Expand, one not (Gambas2)

Bruce Bruen bbruen at ...2308...
Mon Dec 12 13:14:20 CET 2011

On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 12:29 +0100, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:

> Hope you can help here.
> I have a Tab control in my main Form. The Form is divided by an HSplit, 
> the Tab control sits on the right. In one of the tabs, there is a 
> GridView. This GridView shall expand with all the others. All this has 
> been running well, although I did not set the controls' 
> Expand-properties to True. Instead it was enough to set the 
> HSplit-Expand to True, the rest didn't matter.
> First question: why does it run like this? Why doesn't it need Expand to 
> be set in all controls which shall expand or at least for all containers?
> Now, for some reason I had the idea to set another container/control 
> pair over the GridView. If I do so, it is automatically expanded. This 
> is a bit tricky now, because this pair should not expand but keep a 
> fixed size. How do I tell not to expand this container or control?
> Do you understand what I mean?
> Regards
> Rolf

I think you need to look at what the various container Arrange
properties are (or at least tell us).

The Expand property should be read as "can_Expand" rather than
"will_Expand" and depends on the Arrangement property of it's parent
In other words, controls can't "Expand" by themselves. Nor does Expand
in a container control what happens to its children, it just controls
whether the
container itself can Expand. 

Also note that the HSplit doesn't have an Arrangement property because
it is intrinsically set to "Fill". As it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

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