[Gambas-user] Something ain't right. Still trying to control VLC.

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Wed Aug 31 15:22:12 CEST 2011

> On 08/30/2011 09:34 PM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> >> Please forgive my rambling here... but if anyone can explain these
> >> results I'd really like to hear from them.
> >> 
> >> Consistently getting Inconsistent results... which is consistency..
> >> 
> >> Send command strings to the stream that is a virtual console and maybe
> >> they will work, maybe they won't.
> >> Sometimes the ^M after the command string is the only thing visible in
> >> the console window, sometimes nothing is seen and it works (after a few
> >> seconds).  sometimes the ^J is seen. If the ^M is seen with the command
> >> string VLC will be ignoring that command.... the next command string
> >> sent will result in an error from VLC that it does not recognize the
> >> command. Almost sounds like a boundry issue somehow.
> >> 
> >>     When it does work reliably it always takes the same amount of time
> >>     to
> >> 
> >> respond/react, but the amount of time varies per session. For example,
> >> launch the app, embed VLC, click pause. Count the number of seconds (yes
> >> seconds) it takes to respond. If it is successful and took 3 seconds to
> >> respond then every command sent will be successful and take 3 seconds to
> >> get processed. If it took 6 seconds then every command takes 6 seconds..
> >> perhaps there is a clue in there somewhere... I have never seen it take
> >> a non-multiple of three to react.
> >> 
> >>     Now I don't know if this is a VLC issue or a GAMBAS issue, it SHOULD
> >> 
> >> work the same as typing the commands in at a console window but it
> >> doesn't, so what is the difference and why? Can anyone shed any light on
> >> this erratic behaviour? What is the difference between typing at a
> >> console and sending output to a stream that is a virtual console?
> >> 
> >> Any and all help is appreciated.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Steve.
> > 
> > Do you run your project through a true terminal or through the IDE
> > console ?
> > 
> > Can you try your project with Gambas 3 ?
> Running it through the IDE console at the moment, testing and stepping
> through code as necessary. I wasn't going to run it in Gambas 3 because
> the target environment is a CEntOS 5 box. It would be easier to switch
> their server to Fedora 13 or 14 than to traverse dependency-hell to get
> 3.0 up and running on the existing server.
>    OK, going to try launching from command line, lets see if that works
> any better. Then if that doesn't work will try Gambas 3.0.
> Thanks for the response Benoit.
> Regards
> Steve.

Yes, because the IDE console is not a "true virtual terminal", like xterm, 
konsole... are. Usually interactive terminal programs do not like that. 
Moreover, I think the support for virtual terminals in Gambas 3 is better.


Benoît Minisini

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