[Gambas-user] Something ain't right. Still trying to control VLC.

Stephen Bungay sbungay at ...981...
Wed Aug 31 14:56:29 CEST 2011

On 08/30/2011 09:34 PM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>> Please forgive my rambling here... but if anyone can explain these
>> results I'd really like to hear from them.
>> Consistently getting Inconsistent results... which is consistency..
>> Send command strings to the stream that is a virtual console and maybe
>> they will work, maybe they won't.
>> Sometimes the ^M after the command string is the only thing visible in
>> the console window, sometimes nothing is seen and it works (after a few
>> seconds).  sometimes the ^J is seen. If the ^M is seen with the command
>> string VLC will be ignoring that command.... the next command string
>> sent will result in an error from VLC that it does not recognize the
>> command. Almost sounds like a boundry issue somehow.
>>     When it does work reliably it always takes the same amount of time to
>> respond/react, but the amount of time varies per session. For example,
>> launch the app, embed VLC, click pause. Count the number of seconds (yes
>> seconds) it takes to respond. If it is successful and took 3 seconds to
>> respond then every command sent will be successful and take 3 seconds to
>> get processed. If it took 6 seconds then every command takes 6 seconds..
>> perhaps there is a clue in there somewhere... I have never seen it take
>> a non-multiple of three to react.
>>     Now I don't know if this is a VLC issue or a GAMBAS issue, it SHOULD
>> work the same as typing the commands in at a console window but it
>> doesn't, so what is the difference and why? Can anyone shed any light on
>> this erratic behaviour? What is the difference between typing at a
>> console and sending output to a stream that is a virtual console?
>> Any and all help is appreciated.
>> Steve.
> Do you run your project through a true terminal or through the IDE console ?
> Can you try your project with Gambas 3 ?
Running it through the IDE console at the moment, testing and stepping 
through code as necessary. I wasn't going to run it in Gambas 3 because 
the target environment is a CEntOS 5 box. It would be easier to switch 
their server to Fedora 13 or 14 than to traverse dependency-hell to get 
3.0 up and running on the existing server.
   OK, going to try launching from command line, lets see if that works 
any better. Then if that doesn't work will try Gambas 3.0.
Thanks for the response Benoit.


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