[Gambas-user] BUG Install on mandriva

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Tue Jul 27 12:19:31 CEST 2010

  Hello everybody,

I tried to compile Gambas 2.21 from the svn. First of all, I observed 
that the problems with the share symbolic link between gb.qt and gb.gtk 
share folders are not existing with the sources from svn.
The link is presente whereas it is not with the .tar.gz as I wrote above.
Unfortunately as you will see in the attached file, I have another issue.

Thank you for your answer.

Best regards,

Le 24/07/2010 19:39, MailingLists a écrit :
>  Thank you for answering.
> I executed the following command in order to have the symbolici link:
> ln -s  gb.qt/share/ gb.gtk/share.
> No more success but I have an idea.
> Actually as I saw that you put a new release I try to compile it.
> And when I decompress the archive, I have 2 times this message :
> tar:XXXX/gb.qt/share is a folder whereas a file was expected.
> As it concerns the folder you were talking about, I imagine that it 
> could help you.
> I execute the make command on the 2.21 release and attach you the result.
> Best regards
> Le 24/07/2010 14:02, Benoît Minisini a écrit :
>>>    Hy,
>>> I'm really sorry, but I followed strictly the procedure described in 
>>> the
>>> install file.
>>> So I now I consider the website here are some additionnal pieces of
>>> information :
>>> Mandriva 2010.0
>>> Intel Centrino DUo
>>> Kernel :
>>> Trying to compile gambase 2.20
>>> what is installed :
>>> kdebase3-common for 2009.1
>>> kdebase3
>>> libkdecore4
>>> libkdecore4-devel
>>> here in attached file the different step of my compilation executed as
>>> root on the main folder :
>>> 1 # ./reconf-all>  1-recon-all_as_root.txt 2>&1 see in attached file
>>> 2 # ./configure>  2-configure_as_root.txt 2>&1 see in attached file
>>> 3 # make>  3-make_as_root.txt 2>&1 see in attached file
>>> The error is at the end of the third file.
>>> If you ask something more to me, please precise what you want 
>>> because, I
>>> think I followed the procedure, isn't it?
>> Now yes. :-)
>> You have an error message about a missing file that should be there. 
>> Do you
>> have a symbolic link<SOURCEDIR>/gb.gtk/share that points at
>> <SOURCEDIR>/gb.qt/share?<SOURCEDIR>  is the directory of the gambas 
>> sources
>> you uncompressed...
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