[Gambas-user] PING > Benoît (ServerSocket)

Kad Mann nospam.nospam.nospam at ...626...
Fri Nov 6 09:02:35 CET 2009

On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 08:37 +0100, Ron wrote:
> Kad Mann wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 14:45 +0100, Jean-Yves F. Barbier wrote:
> >   
> >> Benoît Minisini a écrit :
> >> ...
> >>     
> >>> But if rebooting your Linux server does not make the application work again, I 
> >>> can't really suspect Gambas, as it does not save anything on the hard disk, 
> >>> especially the network component.
> >>>
> >>> Did you test the connection with telnet, or any other non-Gambas program? Did 
> >>> you test another socket server application not made in Gambas?
> >>>
> >>> The only possibility I see would be a memory corruption in the network 
> >>> component - it is possible, I didn't write it :-). By reading the source code 
> >>> of the Listen() method, I didn't see anything that could lead to that. But I 
> >>> will check again.
> >>>       
> >> May be a RAM is corrupted, running a full memtest86+ could reveal that
> >> (well @ least 2 tests: while physically swapping RAMs between tests in order
> >> to completely test low addresses of the 1st one)
> >>     
> >
> > Gawd! I've got 8Gig to test. I'll take the advice, just to make sure but
> > the problem has happened on two machines with the very same symptoms.
> > Thanks.
> >
> >   
> Just thinking out loud maybe it helps.
> You talked about a Windows machine at one end, maybe also check its 
> firewall and antivirus settings, if any.
> I know for example Kaspersky 2010 sits between all the network 
> connections you have, maybe some strange pattern is seen as evil, and 
> the connection gets cut off in the middle. Check logs.

I have the problem on linux and linux alone. Windows has nothing to do
with it.

> If you transfer lots of (other) network data, make sure your 
> switches/pcs/routers's network interfaces etc. are in the correct mode, 
> full duplex/duplex,

Well, that'll be a great help if I have only wireless. Nevertheless my
network is wired but the network is not the culprit either.

>  lots of equipment doesn't negotiate mode correctly, 
> resulting in one device in half- and the switch in full duplex for 
> example, it seems to work, but not 100%... you get network errors, and 
> strange behavior.

Also nothing to do with it. The problem occurred first when a Windows
server was involved, however it has also happened since on a standalone
linux talking to itself on localhost. The second time I posted about the
problem I didn't mention Windows because Windows has been completely
eliminated from the equation.

> I couldn't see if you are running on 64 Bits Linux, I have had many 
> occasions of problems at the startup of my project, some times my 
> project started 30 times in a row without any problem and the 31th time 
> bingo! It made me nuts back then... It had to do with memory space 
> Gambas was loaded in, if it was in 64Bit memory space, it was unstable.  
> (those bugs are fixed by Benoit so don't worry)

It has happened on both x86 and x64, and I am using x64 right now.

> Just to illustrate that sometimes you oversee something obvious at 
> first, and you point at the wrong code just because you don't know where 
> to look.

Yes, true but I do know where not to look.

> My 2 cents.
> Regards,
> Ron_2nd.
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