[Gambas-user] help with some simple parsing
Stephen Bungay
sbungay at ...981...
Wed May 6 16:52:25 CEST 2009
Hi Richard
This code snippet will dump the text into a TextArea for you, it
asumes (a bad thing) that there are no newline characters in the data
and as such works with your sample. I used a button to launch the
code... the important bits are in the middle... :)
PUBLIC SUB ButtonGO_Click()
DIM hFile AS File
DIM LineInput AS String
DIM ScrapString AS String
DIM SPlitString AS String[]
hFile = OPEN "/home/bungayst/scrap/sample_tabbed_text" FOR INPUT
WHILE NOT Eof(hFile)
LINE INPUT #hFile, LineInput
LineInput = Replace$(LineInput, "<BR>", "\n")
TextArea1.Text = LineInput
SplitString = Split(LineInput, "\t")
FOR EACH ScrapString IN SPlitString
PRINT ScrapString
richard terry wrote:
> See the attached file for the data. Unfortunately I'm brain dead when it comes
> to simple logic.
> In one of my hl7 messages in the Free Text segment under an actual pathology
> result, there is a list of sequential bood test results representing previous
> results of the same type - , separated by tabs which I need to display
> properly. as I've re-constructed the result as html, the tabs simply
> disappear in the result, so I've been looking for a solution, and to start I
> thought maybe I could split this up into lines and then later put it into a
> table embedded in the html to keep it aligned.
> Perhaps there is a simple way out, but this is what I've done so far.
> So I started with this:
> 1) Split this into lines
> Dim bits as string[]
> dim a_line as string
> bits = split(the_text_in_the_file,"<BR>,"", TRUE)
> for each a_line in bits
> print a_line
> next
> Problem with this is that the \t (I presume tab character) gets in the way,
> and it dosn't split properly with the results of the bits[] as shown in the
> picture. Interestingly an occasional letter is lost off the test names.
> Any help appreciated.
> richard
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