[Gambas-user] Format$ with different LANG

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Fri Jun 26 07:12:38 CEST 2009

Ricardo Díaz Martín ha scritto:
> I confirm I'm have got the same problem in Spanish configuration. For
> decimals we use "," (coma) and gambas returns "," (coma - it's ok) but for
> milliar we use "." (point) and gambas returns " " (blank). All the rest of
> locale data (date, time and currency are fine)
> ...
>>>>> ? Format$(Val("14555888") / 1000, "#,###.000")
>>>>> 14,555.888
>>>>> ...this is OK
>>>>> LANG="es_ES.utf8" and for LANG="it_IT.utf8"
>>>>> ? Format$(Val("14555888") / 1000, "#,###.000")
>>>>> 14 555,888
>>>>> There is a space  where should be a . but I can cope with it
>>>>> For LANG="ru_RU.utf8"
>>>>> ? Format$(Val("14555888") / 1000, "#,###.000")
>>>>> 14??555,888
>>>>>   where ?? are 3F3F . These are not recognised as UTF-8 valid
>>>>> characters.
>>>>> ...
>>> I confirm that number formatting (and perhaps dates too - can't remember
>>> well) don't work as expected in italian locale (tried on Debian systems
>>> ...
>> Gambas takes the data from the standard glib functions. So I think, but I
>> can
>> be wrong, that the glibc locale data may be wrong. I know that for sure
>> because the thousand separator returned for French is false. I added an
>> hack
>> in Gambas to fix that, but if other locales have incorrect data too, a
>> better
>> solution must be found.
>> I will check (again) what the interpreter does. At the same time, it would
>> be
>> cool if some people can check the locale data returned by Gambas for their
>> own
>> language (mainly date, time and thousand separator, and currency
>> characters)
>> and tell me what is wrong. I know French and US locale only!
>> Regards,
Pino Zollo let me know that there is probably an error in 

decimal_point             "<U002C>"
thousands_sep             ""             <---------- (empty string, not SPACE)
grouping                  0;0

I do not have that file, but instead other two, but with the same error. 
Perhaps we can contact the author,
It seems strange to me that a danish guy (the author of that file is 
danish) made the same mistake on spanish, italian, french (and probably 
all the rest of Europe...) which, I think, share the same conventions 
about numbers; so someone who knows glibc better than me could verify, 
before contact him.
I will try to correct it_IT file and verify, just for curiosity, but if 
someone else knows the matter better, please let me know...

Another question is this. I was misguided by the fact that KDE has its 
own locale management: it lets you to change locale settings, and I 
played with those settings to investigate - but gambas does not seem to 
use them. Should gambas use KDE settings when using QT, or when using 
the GUI switcher?


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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