[Gambas-user] Problem with tableview when in edit mode
Doriano Blengino
doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Thu Dec 3 21:32:45 CET 2009
Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
> Sorry Dariano,
> no meant, has not changed, even in 2.18.0 Revision: 2447 , the cursor
> moves from top left to bottom right and return if using left/right arrow
> key, or top to bottom and return if using up/down arrow key.
> Oh, tableview is a gambas written component in gb.form there I think
> you find the problem.
Thanks to you and Dimitri.
It seems that the gambas byte-code generated by 2.15 is compatible with
2.0, so I can stick with version 2.0.0.
I would like to hear Benoit about this.
To kind Dimitri:
> What I meant by different approach was perhaps you should use something else
> other than the GotFocus event and LAST.Edit. if it works on 2.0 but doesn't
> work
> in 2.15, 2.16 and 2.18 (Charlie users 2.18, I use 2.16 and the problem is
> probably
> not solved in 2.17) then it seems to me (and it's just my opinion) that your
> code
> needs to be somewhat revised.
No, it is not my code that has to be revised: the problem is not the
GotFocus event, is that when in edit mode, if you press a cursor key the
tableview goes crazy. Whatever way I choose to enter edit mode, I need
to edit cells - otherwise what is tableview for? And when in edit mode,
you must be allowed to use the cursor keys... or not? Moreover, I use
the tableview Click event - that event gets called every time the
focused cell changes; by pressing a cursor key once, I see this click
event called over and over. Clearly, there is something wrong in tableview.
> BTW 5.0.3 is the latest Debian stable (Check
> http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/#stable).
> Perhaps we use different repositories.
Yes we do - I use the fastweb (an italian company) repository (because
it is free, for me). But they should be simply mirrors. Who knows?
Again, thanks to you two. I will investigate more - but I don't want to
peek and poke with gambas sources.
Doriano Blengino
"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."
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