[Gambas-user] refer to an object with a string

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Mon Aug 17 06:58:45 CEST 2009

Jean-Yves F. Barbier ha scritto:
> Doriano Blengino a écrit :
> ........
> Thanks to both ouf you, I saved this thread to be sure to have it when needed :)
>> I saw a "Label2572"... it seemed to me a little strange...
>> And about obscure code, I think that well commented (and written!) code 
>> is never obscure, but sometimes one writes code too much complex for the 
>> purpose that has to be done. I sometimes do that...
> Just a joke, I leave only "unused" object stay with their generated names, I 
> renamed other with "talking" names; real names of these variables are:
> lbl_CONNECT (title of ->) and ckb_CONNECT (CheckBox).
> I avoid esoteric names
I didn't want to say that Label2572 is obscure code: instead the first 
thing that came to my mind is "how many labels are in this form?".
So I pointed out that perhaps dynamic construction of gadgets would have 
been useful to you.


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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