[Gambas-user] refer to an object with a string

Jean-Yves F. Barbier 12ukwn at ...626...
Sun Aug 16 23:31:55 CEST 2009

Doriano Blengino a écrit :

Thanks to both ouf you, I saved this thread to be sure to have it when needed :)

> I saw a "Label2572"... it seemed to me a little strange...
> And about obscure code, I think that well commented (and written!) code 
> is never obscure, but sometimes one writes code too much complex for the 
> purpose that has to be done. I sometimes do that...

Just a joke, I leave only "unused" object stay with their generated names, I 
renamed other with "talking" names; real names of these variables are:
lbl_CONNECT (title of ->) and ckb_CONNECT (CheckBox).

I avoid esoteric names

Let's all show human CONCERN for REVERAND MOON's legal difficulties!!

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