[Gambas-user] Programming beginner: first program won't run?

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...9...
Sun Apr 19 23:19:37 CEST 2009

Am Sonntag, den 19.04.2009, 10:52 -0700 schrieb phohammer:
> I opened the IDE with a terminal and it shows nothing when I run it. I'm not
> sure what you mean by
> the "ps(1) command".
> Here is a tarball of the project to scratch your head over: 
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p23125471/trythis-0.0.1.tar.gz
> trythis-0.0.1.tar.gz 
> I'm no command line wizard (started using GNU/Linux in January of this year)
> so bear with me, please :)


for the opend IDE in a Terminal, you find messages only after the IDE is
closed, by a crash or you.

I can't open your tarball, please create a new one.


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