[Gambas-user] Programming beginner: first program won't run?

Ron_1st ronstk at ...239...
Sun Apr 19 12:44:19 CEST 2009

On Sunday 19 April 2009, phohammer wrote:
> jbskaggs wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Tell me if this runs for you?
> > 
> > 
> No luck. I even matched the cases (lower case) for the code and properties.
> You can see my code and form in the files I uploaded: 
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p23119191/fmainform.png fmainform.png  and 
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p23119191/fmainclass.png fmainclass.png .
> I figured a program so simple should run... hmmm...

You right, it should.

Interesting case you have now. I wil try to help but be aware it is
not a really first beginners stupid mistake, 
I wil slap your PC from the table. :) ;=)

As I follow your conversation and see pictures your install looks OK.
PClinux2007 (used here to time by time) can/t be the problem IMHO.
For the fact the IDE works and you use the base components used by IDE
is also a good sign.

You did try the Object example and that was  working.
Have you try more of them.

> I have ran the "Object" example that comes with Gambas II, and it works
> perfectly (the dialog box pops up and everything).
> I'm using PCLinuxOS and installed Gambas II through Synaptic.
> Does anyone have an idea as to why my program won't run?
> (By the way my source looks like this: ' Gambas class file
> PUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()
>   Label1.Text = "Hello " & Textbox1.Text & ". This is my first Gambas
> project!"
> ).

Is the Public SUB Button1_Click() routine the only code in the forms code class?

Then you may have here the problem.

If you use the wizard to create a project you wil see some extra code 
like a Form_Main() sub.
Also it is need to set the form as the startup form, you can do it with a
right mouse button click in the project tree after select the form.

Just to try it is not the basic beginners mistake you could make a copy
of the object exammple (in fact any other should work to) and add your 
label, textbox and button and code inside this example.

This way you can see your project is in fact at least two parts
a) the project setup (mistakes are prevented by using a a working example.)
b) your progamitself

For me highjacking a example to start with did help me many times with
new ways of programming, i.e. starting gambas (v0.46) over 5 years back. ;)

This could be help you to go on.

Best regards,



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