[Gambas-user] Using a socket to download an image. Please Help ^_^

Doriano Blengino doriano.blengino at ...1909...
Sun Nov 30 11:39:37 CET 2008

Robert Moss ha scritto:
> I am trying to get an image (or any binary data) downloaded from a website
> and into a jpg file. I expect I will need to use the Byte[] datatype, but I
> absolutely can NOT use Callbacks when the data comes in this time.
> ...
> DO UNTIL(EOF(#Sock))
>     READ #Sock, sBuf, Lof(Sock)
>     sTotal &= sBuf
> CLOSE #Sock
> p1 = InStr(sTotal, "\r\n\r\n")
> ImgData = Mid(sTotal, p1)
> OPEN "localimg.jpg" FOR OUTPUT CREATE AS #myFile
> WRITE #myFile, ImgData, Len(ImgData)
> CLOSE #myFile
I think there is a problem with InStr(...,"\r\n\r\n").
By taking mid$(...,p1), you retain the two CRLFs, which are not good at 
the beginning of a jpeg file.
You should get rid of the first 4 characters. May be there are still 
other problems, but this is one for sure.


Doriano Blengino

"Listen twice before you speak.
This is why we have two ears, but only one mouth."

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