[Gambas-user] Using a socket to download an image. Please Help ^_^

Robert Moss the.at.robert at ...626...
Sun Nov 30 11:06:25 CET 2008

I am trying to get an image (or any binary data) downloaded from a website
and into a jpg file. I expect I will need to use the Byte[] datatype, but I
absolutely can NOT use Callbacks when the data comes in this time.

Here is my example:

DIM RequestString as string
DIM sTotal as string
DIM sBuf as string

RequestString = MakeGetRequest("/imagesurl.jpg") 'returns a string like
HTTP/1.1 GET /page... \r\n its all correct
WRITE #Sock, RequestString, Len(RequestString)

'Code to wait for connection, etc is removed for brevity

    READ #Sock, sBuf, Lof(Sock)
    sTotal &= sBuf


And after I separate the Content of the reply and dump it to a file, its not
readable, I presume this is because I am trying to write binary data as a

p1 = InStr(sTotal, "\r\n\r\n")

ImgData = Mid(sTotal, p1)

OPEN "localimg.jpg" FOR OUTPUT CREATE AS #myFile
WRITE #myFile, ImgData, Len(ImgData)
CLOSE #myFile

Keep in mind, the http request looks something like

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Header-X: Value1
Content-Type: image/jpeg

AFdka;h3ijaf #RVA  'Image Data

So I need a way to correctly write the binary data to a file without also
including the content headers

Thank you

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