[Gambas-user] Xml Problem/?Bug?

Rory Verleysen notorious at ...606...
Sun May 18 13:26:44 CEST 2008


I'm trying to write a simple rss parser and running in to some problems.
I'm running debian with gambas 2.5.0

rss file used is from news.yahoo.com

Reading the file: all goes fine
DIM xmlDoc AS XmlDocument
xmldoc = NEW XmlDocument  
reading topnode: all goes fine
eg: if xmldoc.root.name = "rss" then ...
assigning to seperate node: all goes fine
Dim xmlNod as XmlNode
xmlNod = xmldoc.Root
IF xmlNod.Name = "rss" THEN 
xmldoc.root.value returns whole file contents (without <tags>)
reading or assigning a childnode: doesn't work <<<<<------------
DIM xmlNod as XmlNode
FOR i = 0 TO xmldoc.Root.Children.Count - 1  
	xmlNod = xmldoc.Root.Children[i]
	PRINT Message.Info(xmlNod.Name)
	PRINT Message.Info(xmldoc.Root.Children[i].Name)

the above throws an "invalid object" error

Could someone please inform what i'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

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