[Gambas-user] Packager appears broken in Gambas 2.0.0 under Ubuntu Hardy

Bob Warren warren at ...1582...
Mon May 12 03:17:58 CEST 2008

Hi José,

 >But your latest sentences have had the ability of getting me angry. 
Your position >reminds me some football hooligans who think their team 
is the only one in the >world.

In the light of what I said, does your anger really justify that kind of 
comparison? Shame on you. If you knew me at all, you would find the 
image of a football hooligan in relation to my person just as funny as I do!

 >So please, get more information before putting Ubuntu problems on the 
Gambas >developers side.

In my world, we solve problems by embracing them, not disowning them. 
That's the only thing I've tried to encourage.


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