[Gambas-user] I just noticed some nifty editor behaviour

richard terry rterry at ...1822...
Sat Mar 29 13:41:12 CET 2008

Not sure how long  this has been a feature of the editor, but I've only just 
noticed it, so just in case other dummies like me havn't picked up on  this, 
I'll describe the behaviour. I've been picking up my mouse to move around and 
found in this case I don't have to

If your doing a case statement and type:

Then the editor puts the next set of quotation marks in for you.

Also I just  noticed that even when the cursor is inside of the brackets, that 
hitting  <enter> dosn't split the line - and additionally , puts the next set 
of "" marks, ahead of the cursor position on the next line.

I guess this utility could be extended to things like;

Type Case (then the editor puts an End Case a couple of lines down.
Case Select Case "whatever" and hit <enter> and the editor could put the 
Case   " " there automatically.

In any case, what exists at the moment is great.

Ive started to write down a list of these editor features as I stumble on 
them. Perhaps if anyone wanted to contribute some How to use the editor tips, 
they could mail them to me and I could put them into some sort of HTML file 
for general use.



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