[Gambas-user] DataControl write, but don't read

Nx GT-R BOY nxgtrturbo at ...626...
Sat Jan 26 21:58:32 CET 2008

 Hi, I have a problem with datacontrol component, the problem is I can WRITE
to my database (MySQL 5.0.38), but I cant read, I have another datacontrols
in the same form and all of them works perfect, but the last ones cant read.

When the form is opened all other datacontrols read the value of my database
but the last 4, read nothing, I tried, delete them and add new ones, rename
them, re-point them (change the field they see), but nothing.

I have a 12 tabs container, Don't know if that could affect the results, but
I even try to move the last datacontrols to other tab (actually they are at
last one), but nothing, the rare part its that they WRITE perfectly to the
database, but cant read from it.

Is there a limit of the datacontrols for a single form? (I have a total of
61 datacontrols (11x5 + 4 + 2))

Not all the datacontrols are active (I mean in-active: field=<nothing>), I
"point" (change the field property) 4 or 5 per tab (I have a 12 tab
container) according a criteria, so even when I have 61 datacontrols, only
54 are active.


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