[Gambas-user] Emulating wizard Back/Next navigation
nando_f at ...951...
Thu Dec 11 19:20:50 CET 2008
Perhaps the following ideas...
Every step in the wizard has an associated form for whatever it does for that step.
Every form has a SUB for 'backwards' and 'forwards so that
when NEXT is clicked, the forwards code runs, which is whatever
is required for moving to the next form (ie: perform work, verify info,
hide form, the activate 'next' form)
when BACK is clicked, the backwards code runs, which is whatever to
undo this step (if needed), hide form, activate 'back' form.
Each form knows how to go back one step, and go forward one step.
You would have to tell the Next and BAck buttons which forwards and backwards
sub to run...you could place in NEXT.tag and BACK.tag the form or info required
to properly run the correct code. This would be modular so each form takes
care of things.
Or, the list of wizard steps could be in a global string array with the name
of the form and simply step through the index.
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "M0E Lnx" <m0e.lnx at ...626...>
To: "mailing list for gambas users" <gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 20:39:45 +0000
Subject: [Gambas-user] Emulating wizard Back/Next navigation
> So I set myself to create a program that acts like a wizard, but chose
> not to use the wizard object because well, there is just too many
> variables here, and there is more than one way to get to the end,
> Depending on user input.
> So what I did was create a navigation tool bar at the bottom of FMain
> this toolbar has a BACK, EXIT, and a NEXT button.
> I have a workspace object above it which will host other forms via
> each forms .Reparent method.
> Can anyone suggest a way to make reverse and forward navigation on such a setup?
> I have created a small project what I'm trying to do... See attachment
> Any help is appreciated
> Thanks
------- End of Original Message -------
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