[Gambas-user] Compiling under Debian (Lenny) was: Re: Grid / Double Click
rolf.frogs at ...221...
Tue May 8 09:55:55 CEST 2007
Hi all,
> > I think the problem about compilation is not in the processs, it is
> > so easy, (./configure, make, make install) I think the problem is that
> > most of us don't know all the package dependences, so we can't install
> > those ones.
> hmmm: the doc say's " './configure -C' , 'make' and 'make install' "
> But general spoken this is true.
> > For example, I installed Gambas 1.9.25 by rpm on Mandriva 2007
> > (thanks to Rob Kudla) but if try to compile I can't because of the
> > dependences.
> >
> > We need (at least me) a complete list of package dependences, AND the
> > path where they are supposed to be
> >
> >
> > Maybe I should make some pages on the wiki to explain how to compile
> > Gambas for each distribution specifically...
It might be enough to give a better list of libs to install before compiling.
> Gambas' http://gambasdoc.org/help/howto/compile <-- select "How To Compile
> Gambas" 'README' http://gambasdoc.org/help/readme
The table in the README (about the needed dev. libs) is not complete!
> It is a bit puzzle to find it but the 'readme' is a small overview you and
> I did ask a few days back. However it shows the binairy libs, not the *-dev
> packages.
> Below the table there is with exclamation symbol a note:
> **And do not forget to install all related development packages!**
This info is more confusing then helping, because you need allways the
developer versions when compiling. (In Debian they usually also install the
compiled versions to work with later.)
> For most the names are common but -dev added and version number.
> A bad point is there are some distributions changing the original name the
> developer has given to there project.
> For other you need the website of the developer team (i.e curl).
> Second the developers a defined layout of intall point, documentation and
> configuration. (K)Ubuntu has renamed the CUPS default user:group to
> something else resulting in CUPS can't open a error_log file due
> permissions. Also not following 100% debian rules. SuSE dropt the
> documentation in /usr/doc/packages/package-name and in the doc are links to
> /usr/doc/package-name, you see what (can) goes wrong.
> In very old gambas documentation there was in the past a page with required
> version numbers for the libXYZ-dev but I can't find it anymore. :(
> This was a problem for me with libcurl-7.1xy in the past.
> The curl component was developed with the last version, not available on
> SuSE9.1 at that time. I did compile it myself but the result was
> incompatible with SuSE9.1-Yast. Some little configuration differences done
> by SuSE.
My 2 cent:
I compiled Gambas 1.9.48 under Debian testing (Lenny) and can't figure out,
which libs are required for odbc and mysql - (I don't care because I use
PostgreSQL). After the call of "configure -C" I get the message that the
module gb.gte is disabled - no further info found about this module and the
required libs - Gambas works fine.
I wrote down all libs and progs I installed (except for gtk and firebird,
which I didn't need). So, if someone (hello Benoit) may expand the list (for
mysql, odbc, firefox and gtk) I can post it.
Fine regards
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