[Gambas-user] Look for Gambas tutorials

David Reese horus at ...1679...
Fri Mar 30 00:42:59 CEST 2007

Sebastian Wild wrote:
> Well look for some Tutorials for the Programming language BASIC since 
> gambas is a BASIC compiler.
Um... let me take exception to that.  Gambas is to BASIC as whale is to 

Sure, Gambas is a more advanced form of BASIC language, but it has 
peculiarities (read: it's Object-based) which make it much unlike any of 
the BASIC dialects which are pre - Visual Basic.  I've programmed in 
MBASIC, GW-BASIC, QuickBasic, XBasic, and several industrial dialects of 
BASIC which are procedurally-oriented.  It's a whole different way of 
thinking about program design.

I still have yet to program a working original piece of code in Gambas, 
even though I'm able to do what I want in the BASICs already mentioned, 
as well as being a 20-year FORTRAN and FORTH programmer, and a recent 
convert to the C programming language.  (Yes, that's right, C, not C++.)

Of course, if Gambas is the first environment in which you are 
attempting to learn to program, it might actually be easier to get your 
head around it, so don't let my experiences deter you.  I probably have 
a lot to un-learn before visual programming tools will make a lot of 
sense to me.

Here's some help:

http://gambas.sourceforge.net/ is a good place to start looking for 
http://gambasdoc.org/help is available from there, and has most of what 
you're looking for.
is a link to a tutorial for a fractal generator created in Gambas.
is a link to another tutorial.

That ought to get you started.

Later On,

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