[Gambas-user] Re; Component writing ...

Gareth Bult gareth at ...1689...
Sun Aug 19 18:03:45 CEST 2007


I'm still keen to make my GridEditor component work "better" (or "properly") inside the Gambas IDE. 
(as the DB components used to work in Delphi/Kylix) 

Is there any movement on features that might help me do this? 

In particular I want to be able to control the property editor and rendering for components written in Gambas ... 


A couple of things I've noticed in general; 

I can't trace into a component if it crashes, this makes "using" the component quite hard sometimes as it's impossible to debug once in use. 
I don't seem able to add an icon to the component for use in the IDE palette (?) 
If I have one IDE loaded to edit the component, and another open to test it, I need to reload the entire IDE to have it reload the component.. 
I think Gambas is missing out a little in terms of components that people have written that can't be turned into deployable components because the component framework doesn't seem to be able to handle components written in Gambas all that well .. I have lots I could contribute ... 
(shot of live webcam "component" in Gtk, also works in Qt) 


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