[Gambas-user] Changes in LINK

rolf rolf.frogs at ...221...
Sun Oct 29 10:57:06 CET 2006

Hi Christopher,

> > And I don't understand why you are talking about base64 too.
> If you are going to use a DB in place of files the problem becomes finding
> a clean way to store the data without all the escaping issues involved
> with 8-bit data (such as in images, audio, etc).  Base64 is one such
> encoding designed to prevent those problems.

The code for quoting (for example a picture) for postqresql is like - so it is 
not so complex to do it or to put it into a function (perhaps Benoit can doit 
into the database component):

  DIM buffer AS Byte
  DIM bildText AS String  ' String with converted picture. The string can be
   '                        written in a bytea-field of a postgresql database

  OPEN NameOfPic FOR INPUT AS #hFile

    WHILE NOT Eof(hFile)
        READ #hfile, buffer, Lof(hFile)
        IF buffer < 32 OR buffer > 126 THEN 
            bildText = bildText & "\\\\" & Coct(buffer)    
            ' check if value < 32 or > 127 or 92 (\) or 44 (')
          SELECT buffer
              CASE 92 ' (\)
                  bildText = bildText & "\\\\134"
              CASE 39 ' (')
                  bildText = bildText & "\\'"
                  bildText = bildText & Chr$(buffer)
           END SELECT 
       END IF
  CLOSE hFile


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