[Gambas-user] Bug in the eval Function

Jonas Baggett Jonasb at ...369...
Sat May 20 12:19:13 CEST 2006

Hello, I found a bug with gambas 1.9.29 in the eval Function :

' after this line will be executed, strPattern will be "\"asdf\" LIKE \"*\""
strPattern = Chr(34) & "asdf" & Chr(34) & " LIKE " & Chr(34) & "*" & Chr(34)

'strangely, after this line will be executed, strPattern change its 
value to "\"asdf\x00 LIKE \"*\x00"
blnResult = Eval(strPattern)

'after this line will be executed a message error appears telling "Type 
mismatch : wanted float got string instead"
blnResult = Eval(strPattern)

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