[Gambas-user] inquiry about grouping

ron ronstk at ...239...
Thu May 11 08:28:33 CEST 2006

On Thursday 11 May 2006 07:56, Erwin Pogz wrote:
> Hello guys,  If im having a group ug TextBox named "txtGroup"  each text box named: txtBox1 txtBox2 txtBox3 ... upto txtBox100  how can i loop on each control to set the forecolor property? Or is there any quick way to do it?  Best Regards, Erwin
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Second way

if no other textbox on form outside the group

dim ctrl as control

for each ctrl in me.children
  if object.type(ctrl)="TextBox" then
    ctrl.forecolor = color.red
  end if
  if object.type(ctrl)= "Label" then
    ctrl.border = border.none

I use this method in one of my forms


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