[Gambas-user] Program Version conventions

Gordon Findlay gordon.findlay at ...626...
Wed Mar 15 21:24:45 CET 2006

Now if only we could all agree on that matter!

But everyone has slightly varying conventions, although for some projects
the conventions are only followed loosely.

The most carefully thought through set of "standards" I know of is ESRs
"Software Release Practice HOWTO", to be found at

Like everything else, it's controversial.


On 3/16/06, GuruLounge - MailLists <maillists at ...1367...> wrote:
> I was just wondering if someone could explain how the program version
> numbers work (major, minor, release, etc.) and is there a difference in
> alpha releases and beta releases regarding these numbers?
> I'm assuming my project is in it's "alpha" stage at the moment but when
> I get to a stable point and all the functions "seem" to work I assume it
> will move to a "beta" stage.  Then when everything is stable and known
> to work correctly I assume it will move to it's first major release (as
> verion 1.xxx)?
> TIA,
> Jeff
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Gordon Findlay
gordon.findlay at ...626...
"I love the way Microsoft follows standards. In much the same manner
that fish follow migrating caribou." (Paul Tomblin)
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