[Gambas-user] Problem with .Remove (1.0.14)

Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Tue Mar 7 10:10:58 CET 2006

Sorry guys for bothering you, just happened to find the bug:

>  IF termine.Count > 1 THEN
>    termine.Remove(position)
>    OPEN pfad &/ datei FOR WRITE AS #dtnr
>      FOR i = 0 TO termine.Count - 1
>        PRINT #dtnr, termine[i]
>      NEXT
>    CLOSE #dtnr

This should read FOR WRITE CREATE instead, otherwise the old file is 
simply overwritten up to the point it is used for the new data, the rest 
simply remains. To me, this is kinda unusual behaviour for BASIC - we 
should at least place a warning for Gambas newbies at the wiki side, 
shouldn't we?


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