[Gambas-user] Problem with .Remove (1.0.14)

Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Tue Mar 7 09:34:09 CET 2006

Hi folks,

This is part of my current project. It's supposed to find a line in a 
file and kill it (by removing the line from the array and saving the 
file again).

PRIVATE SUB DateiTerminLoeschen(monat AS String, jahr AS String, 
position AS Integer)
DIM pfad AS String
DIM datei AS String
DIM dtnr AS File
DIM t$ AS String
DIM i AS Integer
DIM termine AS NEW String[]
  IF String.Len(monat) = 1 THEN monat = "0" & monat
  pfad = system.Home &/ ".kalender/termine" &/ jahr
  datei = monat & "-" & jahr & ".termine"
  IF NOT Exist(pfad &/ datei) THEN
    message.Error(pfad &/ datei & " existiert nicht!", "Abbruch")
  OPEN pfad &/ datei FOR READ AS #dtnr
    WHILE NOT Eof(dtnr)
      LINE INPUT #dtnr, t$
  CLOSE #dtnr

  IF termine.Count > 1 THEN
    OPEN pfad &/ datei FOR WRITE AS #dtnr
      FOR i = 0 TO termine.Count - 1
        PRINT #dtnr, termine[i]
    CLOSE #dtnr
    KILL pfad &/ datei

If it works, it leaves a line of garbage at the end of the file, i. e. 
the last line is doubled but not completely.

This is an example:

01    1615    45    1    Fr. Nguyen, Werlte, T06 (kf) (t.best.) (gek. + 
06    1530    45    1    Fr. Kurzeja, Salzbergen, T06+Übs (p+z-t04 
+frd+t-t) (w.k.) (gek. + angem.)
06    1615    45    0    Fr. Hildebrandt, Ochtrup, T06 (m) (n.gek.)
07    1530    45    0    Fr. Bensmann, Hagen, T06+Übs (z)
07    1615    45    0    H. Herden, Steinhagen, T06+Übs (kf)
07    1700    45    1    Fr. Gassmann, Hüllhorst, T06"+Übs" (kf/t) (t.best.)
09    1530    45    0    Fr. Claas, Bissendorf, T06(+Übs) (z)
09    1615    45    0    Fr. Sattelmaier, OS, T06 (kf)
09    1700    45    0    Fr. Faseli, Oldenburg, T06(+Übs) (z)
13    1530    45    0    Fr. Müller, OS, T06(+Übs) (z)
13    1615    45    0    Fr. Bumbic, Marl, T06(+Übs) (z)
13    1700    45    1    Fr. Maier, Uplengen, T06(z) (t.v.v.6.)
14    1615    45    0    H. Genzel, Marl, T06(+Übs) (z)
14    1700    45    1    Fr. Sposito, Hövelhof, T06 (z-t) (w.k.)
15    1615    45    0    Fr. Szymczak, Rothenfelde, T06 (kf)
15    1700    45    0    H. Taskin, Emsdetten, T06(+Übs) (m)
16    1615    45    0    Fr. Kalkmann, Langen, T06+Übs (kf)
16    1700    45    1    Fr. Aulfes, Bramsche, T06+Übs (gs-t) (w.k.) 
20    1700    45    1    Fr. Karle, Oelde, T06+Übs (z-t) (w.k.) (t.v.v.1.)
21    1530    45    1    Fr. Tewes, OS, T06 (frd-t) (w.k.)
21    1700    45    1    Fr. Behrla, Rheine, T06(+Übs) (lz-t) (w.k.)
22    1700    45    1    Fr. Schulte, Lemgo, T06+Übs (t) (w.k.)
23    1700    45    1    Fr. Valchizan, Bohmte, T06 (frd-t) (w.k.)
27    1700    45    1    Fr. Oldiges, Esterwegen, T06(+Übs) (z) (t.v.v.8.)
diges, Esterwegen, T06(+Übs) (z) (t.v.v.8.)

Do you have any explanation for this behaviour?

Thanks for your help!


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