[Gambas-user] How do I turn it off!!!

Ron Onstenk ronstk at ...239...
Fri Jul 28 19:58:25 CEST 2006

On Friday 28 July 2006 03:42, sbungay wrote:
> Benoit Minisini wrote:
> > 
> > LOL! I thought you were angry about the new Find panel because you were 
> > working on a small resolution.
> > 
> > 
>    Not angry... just perplexed at a change that on the surface does not 
> seem to present anything new & useful but rather just makes things more 
> complex, harder to read & harder to use. In time we can get used to 
> anything.. look at Windoze!

Interesting statement.

Partial you are right but do not forget there is really improvement.
I started using gambas 0.46 almost 4 years back.
Visual changes are made the time passed and did improve gambas.
Same with VB1,2,3 and so on till VB6 I have used as last version.

Adding the 'anything new & useful' you mentioned require many times
that visual changes happen too, and not everyone did like them.

The recent changes of the icons is not new. 
It happens at least 3 times before.
It is because the handling of icons inside gambas has improved and
it should test the improvement is working the way Benoit wishes.
Changes are the icon file formats/sizes/color-dept/scale etc..
Or do you like to be bound to 16x16 pixel in 16 color and only ico format?

For the end user it looks only the eye candy is changed.. look at Windoze.
Even for Windows that has happen in time, internal improvements (yes they exists)
are reflected in the eye candy.
Icon sets changes in Qt/KDE and Gtk/Gnome has been there also.

What would be useless is copy the 'WindowsXP Teletubby' background to a 
dish with gambas as background to the workspace. (Hmm, smells good)

To finish  
>    Not angry... just perplexed at a change that on the surface does not 
> seem to present anything new & useful but rather just makes things more 
> complex, harder to read & harder to use. In time we can get used to 
There is 'anything new & useful', the handling of icons.

We will be able in nearby future to use easy our own icon sets
or/and use the icons we already have using KDE or Gnome themes 
standard in our program without to do much work for it.
All the same theme/style we like.




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