[Gambas-user] Unsigned int

Fabien Bodard sirfabien at ...626...
Thu Jul 20 19:31:20 CEST 2006

Le Jeudi 20 Juillet 2006 17:11, Leonardo Miliani a écrit :
> Hi Benoit,
> do you think to inplement the "unsigned int" data type in Gambas, as is
> in C language?
> It could be useful in a lot of cases, i.e. when working on real 32 bit
> words is needed.

it remember me a query to Benoit :-)...

Dear Benoit,
Is it possible to have something like in c to load binary structure ?

For exemple the TYPE model...  and some keys to restrict the variable size 
like in vb
TYPE montype
  mystring as string * 32
  mySTaticarray[12] as integer

dim $montype as montype

fic = open monfichier for read

Read #fic, $montype, len(montype)
close fic

remember that a type can contain other type or array of type... In fact it 
miss me for loading 3D object files. i've trying to do that without but... 
it's really difficult as i need to query for each type.

if you have an idea of how to manage structures... without passing by 
classes...  please make it ! it's usefull in many place.


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