[Gambas-user] Getting the 'name' property

vinians vinians at ...927...
Mon Oct 10 14:17:15 CEST 2005

Hi all, anyone can help-me how to get the 'name' of an object?
see this code:

FUNCTION GetNamofControls(hObject AS Object) AS String[]

   DIM hControl AS Control
   DIM iNumTabs AS Integer
   DIM i AS Integer
   DIM sNames AS String
   sNames = ""
   FOR EACH hControl IN hObject.Children
      IF Object.Class(hControl) = "TextBox" OR Object.Class(hControl) = "ComboBox" OR Object.Class(hControl) =
"TextArea" THEN
         sNames = sNames & Object.GetProperty(hControl, "name") & " "  <--------- if was  'text' or other this
code work!
      IF Object.Class(hControl) = "TabStrip" THEN
         iNumTabs = Object.GetProperty(hControl, "Count")
         FOR i = 0 TO iNumTabs - 1
            Object.SetProperty(hControl, "Index", i)
            sNames = sNames & GetaNomeControles(hControl).Join(" ") & " "
         Object.SetProperty(hControl, "Index", 0)
   RETURN Split(sNames, " ")

This code should function,  but I get the 'Property Name does not exists' please I need help pleae!

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