[Gambas-user] Re: Newbie alert

Mike vilain at ...533...
Wed Mar 2 20:48:09 CET 2005

Yup, that was it.... Border was set to fixed.

I have a double post on http://www.linuxbasic.net (really nice site) and
NelsonN over there was kind enough to also point me in that direction...

On to the next question....
When I started I had a single form 'FracMain' with all code in the
Form_Activate event. Worked like a charm.
Now that I want to pass parameters from a new Constructor window
'FracParam', I put most declaration which used to be "DIM something AS
type"  at the top of the FracMain class file as "Public something AS

On my new Form I have a button which when clicked does this:
PUBLIC SUB BCalc_Click()
  ' ==> pass a single parameter which initializes a FracMain parameter.
This works.
  '==> give initial values to other parameters. Seems to work

Now I get into problems.. Here, having set all parameters, I want to
activate the FracMain Form.
FracMain.Show in my first parameter window will just pop up the blanc
FracMain window and stop there.
Next, I tried to put in my FracMain.setinivalue() method a
ME.Form_Activate (Form_Activate containes the original program minus
some declarations) In there I do the FracMain.Show. It gives me an
'Syntax error at line ..." on a variable declaration 'DIM something AS
Integer' in the sub Form_Activate. If I move the variable upstairs
making it a PUBLIC declaration, I get an error stating that FOR variable
need to be local...
How do I get around the syntax error??

BTW, the same post is also on http://www.linuxbasic.net

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