[Gambas-user] Debian packages available for gambas 1.9.9

José L. Redrejo Rodríguez jredrejo at ...96...
Thu Jun 16 13:28:30 CEST 2005

I have prepared the debian packages for version 1.9.9.
They should work correctly in any actual version of Debian (stable,
testing or sid) and in any version of Ubuntu.

There is a big different with previous versions in the way these
packages are done. I have taken profit of the new structure of the
source code, and now the packages are compiled individually. 
To do that, previously I apply this script to the original Gambas
tar xvjf gambas2-$1.tar.bz2
mv  gambas2-$1/gb* .
mv gambas2-$1 gambas-$1

for i in $(ls -d gb.*)
  x=`echo $i|sed -e "s/\./-/g"`
  mv $i gambas-$x-$1

mv  gambas-$1/comp gambas-components-$1
mv  gambas-$1/app gambas-ide-$1
mkdir gambas-doc-$1
mv gambas-$1/help gambas-doc-$1/
mv gambas-$1/examples gambas-doc-$1/
#########end of the script##########

So, I get a different directory for every package, and compile them
individually. The script is called in this way: ./makeupgambas

so with "makeupgambas 1.9.9" applied in the same directory where Gambas
soures are, I get all the needed stuff. 
After that I have debianized all the packages, and the result is at :
(there are also previous 1.9.3 packages in that dir)
To install them using apt, just follow the instructions written at
http://gambas.sourceforge.net/download.html related to Debian.

These are preliminary packages. Of course, I am open to any
modification. In some weeks, if no modifications are asked, I will
upload them to Debian to be part of the official distribution.


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