[Gambas-user] Time Help

Michael Murphy ebtmike at ...626...
Mon Jun 13 03:28:41 CEST 2005

I'm trying to modify Jonás Alvarez 's count down program to be a fast
clock and I'm having trouble changeing the hours. Here's what I got so


PRIVATE SUB changetime ()

 'This sub changes the time that is displayed
  hours = 12  
  minutes = Int (Int(secs) / 60)
  textlabel1.Caption = hours & ":" & minutes & ":" & Format (secs -
minutes * 60)

PUBLIC SUB Timer1_Timer()

    secs = secs + 0.1



Above are the two functions that handle the time change. 'hours' is a
global variable. When I run the program it displays the 'hours' has
'12' but I can't figure out how to change the hour when the minute is
more then 59 and I can't figure out how to set miutes to zero, the
secs work fine and the minutes do change. I've been working on this
for hours so any help is appreciated. If you need anymore info let me


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