[Gambas-user] Values for LineStyle
eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Fri Feb 11 09:46:41 CET 2005
Ok ok, here you go... :-)
I just saw, there are a lot of error messages in the direct-window, so I
include a file with them in case they do not appear on your machine.
When you start the program, you are in the text editor window. Just
click on the Loading icon and load the testpage.frm from "formulare".
Then you press F9 to get into the preview. The preview is just able to
adjust the page size and draw a grid with measures. Then it displays the
simple text from the form. But it is functional: just get back to the
source with F9 and change the page size (for example 29 instead of 297
or so), another F9 will show the result.
You will find the critical procedures in the "grafik" module. I've
included some comments in the "SeiteEinstellen" ("AdjustPage") procedure.
Thanks for your help!
Benoit Minisini schrieb:
> On Thursday 10 February 2005 17:33, Eilert wrote:
>>In my previous posting I forgot one thing:
>>I don't know what values LineStyle accepts - I tried "1", that makes a
>>simple line, but everything else leads to a Sig 11...
>>Can someone point me to the page in the documentation where it is
>>explained or just tell me what I have to do here?
> If you get a Sig 11, then this is a crash, and so a bug.
> Please give me all details about this crash, and send me the project that
> causes it.
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
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