[Gambas-user] RE: Gambas-user digest, Vol 1 #1628 - 5 msgs

James Wilson JamesWilson at ...1288...
Sat Dec 31 12:59:18 CET 2005

>I am trying to develop a little app in gambas to display images from
cctv. I have developed >a windows Version in .net that gets images
>(jpegs) from  a url and this works great. I n .net I use a picturebox
with the image > location set to the correct path. I need to grab a max

>2 images per second so ideally do not want to download the image to a
local file, would ?>prefer to keep it all in memory. This app will run
on the machine where the cameras are >recorded, so the images are in
shared memory. I'm assuming it will be easier to get the >images from
the webserver than from shared mem, but obviously shared mem would be mo
>efficient. But the images in shared mem are raw, so I'm thinking it
will be harder that way

>Many thanks and happy new year

Sorry You did reply but on the next groups someone asked for examples of
how to use net.curl class and I was unable to find any examples of
netcurl using images. The wget idea I can understand and seems very
logical, if not ideal. Will get me going, then later on I can modify it
hopefully to get the raw images out of shared memory. Many thanks for
your help.


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