[Gambas-user] Error creating Vector Linux package

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Apr 25 14:50:31 CEST 2005

On Thursday 21 April 2005 20:36, Jose J. Rodriguez wrote:
> Sorry, forgot to compress the files before, the message was over 256KB and
> is being retained for moderation :). Here it is again:
> On Thursday, 21 de April de 2005 08:59 am, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> > Please send the complete output of the configure/compilation process!
> Attached 2 files with the complete outputs from ./configure and
> chekinstall. The output of make was too long for the console buffer and I
> don't know how to increase it at the moment, so I just redirected the
> output to a file. However, the error messages still go to the console, so I
> pasted those in a separate file, hope you don't need them in exact order
> :(.
> Thanks,
> Joe1962

I don't understand. By reading your output, you see that the symbolic link 
'lib.gb.so' is created first at installation, but gbi program can't find it 
later. Maybe something destroys it after it was created and before gbi is 
launched during the installation process ?

Can you verify that 'lib.gb.so' is really created during installation ? Can 
you try to detect if it is destroyed, and when ?

Thanks in advance,

Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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