[Gambas-user] Please, how do I create a dymanic float array!!!

Charlie karl.reinl at ...9...
Thu Sep 16 08:31:36 CEST 2004

Wilson Pedro Tamega Junior schrieb:

>   Hello, I'd like to know if there were anyone else
>who have already done a dymamic float array? I need
>such array to translate a program I developed in VB.
>The situation is that: I have some .txt files which
>all them hava collums separated by Tab end each line
>finished by CrLf (carrier return line feed) character,
>and most of them does not have the same number of
>lines!!! And to make things a little more complicate
>without a dynamic float array, all of them have more
>than 2000 lines!!!!! And after scanning Gambas help
>files, I did not find nothing refering to Float
>arrays, so, what could be done?
>   Thank you for attention paid,
>                    Wilson P. Tamega Jr.

after all I read, you need a Integer[]

or do you have something like 2093.56 collums ?
with 953.27 lines ?
Dim aiCol as new Integer[]

         aiCol.add(<your values>)


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