[Gambas-user] Gambas and AX25

Berg Frank bergfr at ...609...
Fri Sep 3 12:11:11 CEST 2004


it is not the problem to connect the tnc or modem to then serial port, there
are good tools includet the package as "TheFirmware" there can do it.

since kernal 2.2 are the ax25 protocoll  includet in the kernal, as an
network componet to tcp/ip.

so the help i need is not to write lowlevel ax25 protocolls, i need help to
talk to the kernal ax25 protocolls.

this is doing by 2 thing,

in c++ :
include some *.h  header to the component,


1.) ask the ax25.h or axconfig.h how many ax25 channels there are
2.) register an socket
3.) use an socket stream to read/write

in gambas is the socket component ready, but the ax25 component is not.

i was try to do so as writen in "How to make Component" but when i compile
my new component is ignored.

so my first question is: how do i write the beginning of the component..


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie" <karl.reinl at ...9...>
To: "gambas-user" <gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: [Gambas-user] Gambas and AX25

Salut Ron,

    happy to  see, you are back.

    So I have a question:

    Frank asked in the list and also to me, for some help to make a AX25
access for gambas.
    I think it's also a starter help for making Make files.

     I saw long time ago, that you dit things with that AX25, can you
try to help him ?


Frank Berg schrieb:

Frank Berg <frankberg at ...390...>

>Ich möchte nicht stören, deshalb nur eine kleine Anfrage,
>Ich habe schon 2 mal die Anfrage im Forum gestellt ob jemand mir mit Gambas
und AX25 weiterhelfen kann. Leider habe ich keine Antwort bekommen.
Vielleicht hilfst Du mir?
>Ich bin neu unter Linux, habe aber schon eine menge mit VB gemacht. Hab mit
C schon ein wenig geübt, aber noch nicht wirklich eine GUI programmiert.
>Ich hab auch schon versucht eine componente unter gambas zu entwickeln,
nach config... make... make install sehe ich aber das die componente nicht
in gambas eingebunden wird. Ich bräuchte da mal den richtigen "verständnis
>ich danke für deine zeit..frank

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