[Gambas-user] Newbies Package Creation Problem

Technoferret technoferret at ...598...
Wed Sep 1 17:51:04 CEST 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 16:21, Technoferret wrote:

> I did the above and recompiled it,
> I now get the error 'alien command has failed'

> any ideas
> Dave

I've had a poke around and I think I know what the problem is, but
haven't got a clue how to solve it.

If I've understood the source then

Package.Module calls alien to convert the noarch rpm to a deb
If I go to the noarch directory and try 
'alien --to-deb -k <MyProjectsName>.noarch.rpm' I get the following
error message
'Must run as root to convert to deb format (or you may use fakeroot).'

I have fakeroot installed though I have to admit I've never used it, 
Can Package.Module be changed to call alien using fakeroot?


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